Operation Separate-the-Cabbages

With my heart in my mouth, I embarked on Operation Separate-the-Cabbages. I was worried that the twin cabbages were growing too close together and that I was allowing my fear of potentially killing them to overcome my rational senses. I pulled the newspaper on the floor, and with a nervous hand began to remove them from the pot. 


I first shook them out of the pot, and then removed the soil surrounding their tender roots. Once I’m done I gingerly pulled them apart inch by inch. At one point they could not come apart and I was worried they had grown melded together into one stem. I thought that was ridiculous and with a final breath I yanked them apart. Some roots tore but most of them were intact. I quickly replanted them into their own pots. 

Two hours after and they still looked fine. I hope they take to their new environment quickly and grow stronger now. Will re-post in a few more days.

Post-Operation: Cabbage #1:

Post-Operation: Cabbage #2:


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