Death Of A Cactus

I found out today that two of my cacti have died. I had to remove them from H’s cactus plate which he had lovingly put together in January. 

The once-hardy cactus (image above) was not getting enough sun on the side and I found it drooping over the side. Its stem was squishy (not supposed to be) and it had turned a dark green. 

I have to admit it’s my fault. The neighbour (image below) of the newly-dead cactus also shared the same plight of a serious lack of sunlight and had started caving in on its squishy self. See black stuff in the center of the plant.

Unfortunately I had to remove them from the habitat. See the missing portion after I’ve removed them.

In light of this, I have moved them from where they have been sitting in the living room out into the corridor with my rest of my garden. That way I can monitor them everyday. 


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